Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Hair Loss Black Book

You really don’t realize how much your appearance is tied to your hair until you begin losing it... and people begin looking past you.

But I understand. When people look at you, all they see is thinning hair.

After years of watching my hair fall out I finally put my medical research background to work and discovered a cure that allowed me to permanently end my baldness and re-grow healthy, lasting hair. This revolutionary cure has changed my life and it’s time for me to share it with you.

But before you read another word of this website, there is something I want to make certain you understand...

There is no overnight cure for hair loss.

No matter what false promises and wild “success” stories you have seen... No matter what marketing ploys and ridiculous claims you have read about... the truth is that you simply can’t stop baldness and re-grow your hair instantly.
I want you to understand that Hair Re-Growth IS VERY Possible... but only when you use logical solutions based in science and fact.

THE TRUTH is that it takes the average person anywhere from 6 months to 2 years to get the noticeable, full hair growth they deserve.

Now... if you would rather gamble away your chance of re-growing your hair on treatments that promise overnight results, then this website isn’t for you.

But if you are ready to...

 Discover the TRUTH behind why you are losing your hair.
 Uncover the REAL reason foams, creams and prescriptions aren’t working for you.
 Divulge into the SCIENCE behind re-growing your hair.
 Learn about the only SOLUTION that is effective enough to stop baldness and stimulate your hair follicles to grow normally once again.

Then you need to keep reading because this website will give you the answers and the information you need to successfully fight your hair loss... and win.
The Biggest Lie Of The Hair Loss Industry

A recent study in The Washington Post stated that Americans will spend more than 3.5 BILLION DOLLARS on prescriptions, procedures, and “miracle products” to cure their hair loss.
But the most shocking part is that 99% of these treatments don’t work – and the other 1% only works for a select few.

So... how do these companies sell 3.5 billion dollars in products if they don’t work?

Next time you are at the drug store, pick up the most popular hair loss product and read the back. In tiny letters at the bottom it talks about results “...of patients who perceived improved...”

Now let me ask you a question... do you want to perceive results? Or do you want to actually achieve results?

It’s pretty obvious to me that these products are just selling 3.5 Billion Dollars of HOPE... not 3.5 Billion Dollars of results.

Now let me ask you another question... have you ever known anyone to use one of these products – whether it is over-the-counter or a prescription – and actually had their hair to re-grow?

But I am willing to bet that you have known plenty of people who wasted hundreds – even thousands of dollars on these products because they HOPED they would work.


Really, when you start looking at all the options you have for re-growing your hair you will notice that the treatments are often dangerous, the outcomes are dismal and the price is very, very high.

When you invest in these products, you just have to HOPE that they will work for you.
But you need more than just hope...
You need real results. And you need clear, honest answers.

And on this website, you are about to discover the truth behind why you lose your hair and the SCIENCE behind re-growing it – naturally and permanently.
90% Of All Hair Loss In Both Men And Women
Is DHT Related

DHT hair loss – or male and female pattern baldness is a complicated process, but here are the basics…

We have many hormones in our bodies, but when they are balanced they keep our bodies and our hair healthy. One of the most important hormones is Testosterone. While it is considered a men’s hormone, both men and women need it to grow and heal bones and muscles.

We also have enzymes in our bodies which transform and optimize hormones. One specific enzyme, 5-Alpha Reductase (5AR), rests in the tissue around your hair follicles and has only one purpose.

It turns Testosterone into a super concentrated, super strong Dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Normally men have a tiny amount of DHT which is more than enough to grow facial hair, deepen the voice, and increase sex drive.

If you are losing your hair, it means something has gone terribly wrong and you have a DHT problem. For many reasons, your body is making too much 5AR and too much Testosterone. Your body is storing the excess Testosterone on your 5AR-filled scalp. When the two meet, your scalp is flooded with DHT.

This excess DHT on your scalp causes your hair follicles to swell (just like your body would swell as a reaction to a bee sting or a twisted ankle). This swelling puts pressure on your hair follicle and overtime it slowly begins to choke it out.

The swelling caused by DHT reduces blood flow and restricts your follicle’s access to proteins, enzymes and hormones that are essential to healthy hair.

As this swelling continues, your hair follicles will become sicker and weaker and your hair begins to grow-in thinner and finer... all the while your follicle is exerting more and more energy to produce these smaller, thinner hairs.

Eventually, the hair follicle simply cannot survive. It shrinks into nothingness and dies.

So... how can you over-come this process and re-gain the healthy, active hair follicles you need to grow full, thick hair?

Well, you aren’t left with a lot of options...


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